Safeguarding Policy


Radio Midlands is committed to ensuring both safety and welfare of staff and guests preventing and responding to risks of harm to beneficiaries of this Safeguarding policy. Radio Midlands aims to promote positive wellbeing to both presenters, directors and staff and partners. It’s important to commit to safeguarding all beneficiaries without discrimination due to an individuals age, disability, race, sex, gender reassignment, pregnancy or maternity leave status, marriage or civil partnership status or sexual orientation.

Radio Midlands is committed to:

  • Protecting the welfare and well-being of its volunteers and listeners 
  • Protecting staff from abuse and risk of harm that could put them in immediate danger
  • Ensuring we have the right safety measures in place to keep everyone safe.
  • Ensuring everyone is treated equally and with respect we will NOT tolerate any bullying and any bullying or abuse will be dealt with severely.
Should you see yourselves in immediate danger please dial the emergency services on 999 or 101 once raised with authorities contract our safeguarding officer by email or via Telephone. If you consider not to be in immediate danger, contact our duty safeguarding lead by Telephone and will aim to respond as soon as possible.
Please ensure that you give us as much detail as you can so we can better support you with your safeguarding concern, include details about the victim with the name, and if applicable the witness. The more information that you can provide will better help us with dealing with your case. If you have any additional evidence you would like to provide then email them to with the subject line: ATTN: Safeguarding Lead.

*We will aim to respond to most safeguarding queries within one business day

Out of hours procedures

Please note during out of hours, if you find yourself in immediate danger if an emergency then please call the authorities on 999 if your queries is not urgent and life threatening and would still like help then call the Police on 101 alternately you can email our safeguarding team with any notes as stated above.

For further guidance on staying safe please visit this link: What Is Safeguarding & Why Is It Important? Care Check